Results for 'John O. Gross'

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  1. Education for Life.John O. Gross - 1948
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    The Sixth International Buddhist-Christian Conference, August 5-12, 2000.Paul O. Ingram - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):179-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sixth International Buddhist-Christian Conference, August 5–12, 2000Paul IngramThe Sixth International Buddhist-Christian Conference, sponsored by the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, will take place at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington, from August 5 to 12, 2000. The Program Committee has approved the general conference theme as “Buddhism, Christianity, and Global Healing.” The conference will follow the structure, with some variations, of the last international conference that met at DePaul University (...)
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    Dignitas personae and the Adoption of Frozen Embryos.John S. Grabowski & Christopher Gross - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (2):307-328.
    The Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith’s Dignitas personae does not offer a definitive rejection of the practice of human embryo adoption as intrinsically evil, but neither does it simply leave the matter an “open question.” The document does indeed oppose the practice, but its reasons for doing so are not clearly stated and seem to be in tension with its own affirmations of the personal dignity of embryos and the goodness of adoption. The Congregation’s opposition is therefore best (...)
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    Managing Coastal Resource in the 21st Century.M. P. Weinstein, R. C. Baird, D. O. Conover, M. Gross, F. W. J. Keulartz, D. K. Loomis, Z. Naveh, S. B. Peterson, D. J. Reed, E. Roe, R. L. Swanson, J. A. A. Swart, J. M. Teal, H. J. Turner & H. J. Windt - unknown
    Coastal ecosystems are increasingly dominated by humans. Consequently, the human dimensions of sustainability science have become an integral part of emerging coastal governance and management practices. But if we are to avoid the harsh lessons of land management, coastal decision makers must recognize that humans are one of the more coastally dependent species in the biosphere. Management responses must therefore confront both the temporal urgency and the very real compromises and sacrifices that will be necessary to achieve a sustainable coastal (...)
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  5. Questions posées à louis ch'tellier, luce giard, dominique julia et john o'malley.S. J. John O'malley - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):409-431.
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  6. Varieties of Living Things: Life at the Intersection of Lineage and Metabolism.John Dupré & Maureen A. O'Malley - 2009 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 1 (20130604).
    We address three fundamental questions: What does it mean for an entity to be living? What is the role of inter-organismic collaboration in evolution? What is a biological individual? Our central argument is that life arises when lineage-forming entities collaborate in metabolism. By conceiving of metabolism as a collaborative process performed by functional wholes, which are associations of a variety of lineage-forming entities, we avoid the standard tension between reproduction and metabolism in discussions of life – a tension particularly evident (...)
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  7. Distributed traces and the causal theory of constructive memory.John Sutton & Gerard O'Brien - 2023 - In John Sutton & Gerard O'Brien, Current Controversies in the Philosophy of Memory. Routledge. pp. 82-104. Translated by Andre Sant' Anna, Christopher McCarroll & Kourken Michaelian.
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    Unity and Multiplicity: Multilevel Consciousness of Self in Hypnosis, Psychiatric Disorder, and Mental Health.John O. Beahrs - 1982 - Brunner/Mazel.
  9. Metagenomics and biological ontology.John Dupré & Maureen A. O’Malley - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (4):834-846.
    Metagenomics is an emerging microbial systems science that is based on the large-scale analysis of the DNA of microbial communities in their natural environments. Studies of metagenomes are revealing the vast scope of biodiversity in a wide range of environments, as well as new functional capacities of individual cells and communities, and the complex evolutionary relationships between them. Our examination of this science focuses on the ontological implications of these studies of metagenomes and metaorganisms, and what they mean for common (...)
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  10. Philosophical Issues in Education.John Kleinig, Anthony O'hear, C. A. Wringe & Brenda Cohen - 1983 - Philosophical Quarterly 33 (131):202-207.
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  11. Current Controversies in the Philosophy of Memory.John Sutton & Gerard O'Brien (eds.) - 2023 - Routledge.
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  12. Hume's Missing Shade of Blue Re-viewed.John O. Nelson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (2):353-363.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Missing Shade of Blue Re-viewed John 0. Nelson It is obviously important for Hume's purposes in the Treatise to maintain that simple ideas are always founded in precedent, resembling impressions;1 andhe explicitly, overandover, doesso, evensometimes being so carried away by this first principle ofhis science of man (T 7) or so careless as to say that not just all simple ideas but all ideas are founded in (...)
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    Footnotes to the Synthesis?: Massimo Pigliucci and Gerd B. Müller : Evolution: The extended synthesis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010, xv+495pp, £85.00, $150.00 HB.John O. Reiss - 2011 - Metascience 21 (1):163-166.
    Footnotes to the Synthesis? Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9569-6 Authors John O. Reiss, Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University, 1 Harpst St., Arcata, CA 95521, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Future Generations: Present Harms.John O' Neill - 1993 - Philosophy 68:35.
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    The “special-process” controversy: What is at issue?John O. Beahrs - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):467-468.
  16.  36
    The protozoon and the cell: A brief twentieth-century overview.John O. Corliss - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (2):307-323.
  17.  22
    The theoretical capacity: A book review by John O. omachonu. [REVIEW]John O. Omachonu - 1995 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 10 (1):54.
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  18. Against Human Rights.John O. Nelson - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (253):341 - 348.
    Let me first explain what I am not attacking in this paper. I am not attacking, for instance, the right of free speech or any of the other specific rights listed in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights or the United Nations' Charter. I am, rather, attacking any specific right's being called a ‘human right’. I mean to show that any such designation is not only fraudulent but, in case anyone might want to say that there can be noble lies, (...)
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    (1 other version)Conceptual Thinking.John O. Nelson & Stephan Korner - 1957 - Philosophical Review 66 (3):402.
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    The Role of Part XII in Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.John O. Nelson - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):347-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:347 THE ROLE OF PART XII IN HUME'S DIALOGUES CONCERNING NATURAL RELIGION Anyone appreciative of Hume's greatness as a philosopher will want to suppose that the Dialogues both form a coherent whole and express Hume's own views on natural religion or religion based on reason (as opposed to religion based on revelation). In the last connection, given what we know of Hume's epistemology, life, and correspondence, one would be (...)
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    The Authorship of the Abstract Revisited.John O. Nelson - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (1):83-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Authorship of the Abstract Revisited John 0. Nelson More than a dozen years ago, in the pages of The Philosophical Quarterly,1 this writer contested Sraffa and Keynes' claim, advanced in the introduction to their edition ofthe Abstract? that it was Hume and not Adam Smith (as traditionally supposed) who was the author of that work. The traditional view, which might be called the Adam Smith authorship-theory, was (...)
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  22. Other minds, part I.John O. Wisdom - 1940 - Mind 49 (October):369-402.
  23.  42
    In Defence of Descartes: Squaring a Reputed Circle.John O. Nelson - 1964 - Dialogue 3 (3):262-272.
    My final aim in this paper is to show that Descartes is not guilty, as is so often maintained, of circular argumentation in the Meditations. But first it is important to uncover and remove certain tenacious misconceptions and confusions concerning what goes on in the Meditations which lend credence to the charge of circular argumentation. In this connection Mr. Harry Frankfurt's recent article, “Memory and the Cartesian Circle,” is peculiarly instructive; for it presents not only a completely untenable defence of (...)
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    The Invention of the Self: The Hinge of Consciousness in the Eighteenth Century.John O. Lyons - 1978 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    The absence of self in Classical litera­ture and the emergence in the eigh­teenth century of the concept of the unique and individual self asserting its existence and seeking its truth in pri­vate experience and feeling is often touched upon in cultural histories but little explained. Seeking the reasons for and the effects of the change of attitude toward one’s concept of one’s self in the “new” eighteenth-century attitude to­ward history, biography, travel litera­ture, pornography, and the novel, Lyons finds, first, that (...)
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  25.  49
    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo.John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel de Renzi, Hernán Dopazo, Arantza Etxeberría, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Chris S. Rose, Diego Rasskin-Gutman & Gerd B. Müller - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):351-356.
    In September 2008, 10 years after the untimely death of Pere Alberch (1954–1998), the 20th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology gathered a group of Pere’s students, col- laborators, and colleagues (Figure 1) to celebrate his contribu- tions to the origins of EvoDevo. Hosted by the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) outside Vienna, the group met for two days of discussion. The meeting was organized in tandem with a congress held in May 2008 at the Cavanilles Institute (...)
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    In defense of the traditional interpretation of the square.John O. Nelson - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (3):401-413.
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    Was Aristotle a Functionalist?John O. Nelson - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):791 - 802.
    WHEN, CONTROVERSIALLY, IT IS MAINTAINED that Aristotle was a functionalist, what is meant by "functionalist" cannot have the sense of "teleological functionalist," for in that sense there can be no doubt that Aristotle was a functionalist. The sense of "functionalism" that is patently being exploited is that which appears in contemporary philosophies of mind with affinities to logical behaviorism but also with some important divergencies and which Paul Churchland describes as the view that "psychological states are functional states in the (...)
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    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo.John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel De Renzi, Hern an Dopazo, Arantza Etxeberrıa, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Chris S. Rose & Diego Rasskin-Gutman - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):351-356.
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    Philosophers‘ nonsense.John O. Nelson - 1972 - Metaphilosophy 3 (3):238–243.
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    World Poverty, Animal Minds and the Ethics of Veterinary Expenditure.John Hadley & Siobhan O'Sullivan - 2009 - Environmental Values 18 (3):361-378.
    In this paper we make an argument for limiting veterinary expenditure on companion animals. The argument combines two principles: the obligation to give and the self-consciousness requirement. In line with the former, we ought to give money to organisations helping to alleviate preventable suffering and death in developing countries; the latter states that it is only intrinsically wrong to painlessly kill an individual that is self-conscious. Combined, the two principles inform an argument along the following lines: rather than spending inordinate (...)
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  31. Are There Inalienable Rights?John O. Nelson - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (250):519 - 524.
    In the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights a quite large number of things are said to be ‘human rights’ and though in that Declaration the term ‘inalienable’ is not used to describe the rights in question it has been so used by commentators—at least with respect to some of the rights enumerated. I shall forgo asking the prior question as to whether any such thing as a human right exists and ask simply whether any such thing as an (...)
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    Propositional Knowledge and Belief: Entailment or Mutual Exclusion?John O. Nelson - 1982 - Philosophical Investigations 5 (2):135-141.
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    Marxism and the Two Sciences.John O' Neill - 1981 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11 (3):281-302.
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    Are Inductive Generalizations Quantifiable?John O. Nelson - 1962 - Analysis 22 (3):59 - 65.
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    Can one tell that he is awake by Pinching himself?John O. Nelson - 1966 - Philosophical Studies 17 (6):81 - 84.
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    Modal Logic and the Ontological Proof for God's Existence.John O. Nelson - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):235 - 242.
    Now it cannot be denied, I think, that this argument has the appearance of being sound, that is, both true in its premises and valid in its conclusion. But one surely ought to harbor suspicions concerning an argument which establishes the most momentous of all conclusions upon nothing more than a few propositions. In this paper I shall attempt to show that these suspicions are well-founded by pointing out that the above "proof" derives whatever force it has from an equivocation.
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    On Sommers' reinstatement of Russell's ontological program.John O. Nelson - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (4):517-521.
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    Remembering: A Philosophical Problem.John O. Nelson - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (1):127.
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    How inductive conclusions can be certain.John O. Nelson - 1980 - Philosophical Investigations 3 (3):20-32.
  40.  81
    Individual differences in emotion regulation.Oliver P. John & James J. Gross - 2007 - In James J. Gross, Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press. pp. 351--372.
  41.  86
    Everyman’s Philosophy.John O. Riedl - 1935 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 11:183-187.
  42.  23
    On the a priori rejection of evidential arguments from evil.John O'leary Hawthorne & Daniel Snyder - 1994 - Sophia 33 (2):33-47.
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    Are You Ready for the Next Outbreak? An Exercise in Legal Preparedness.John O. Agwunobi, Sara Feigenholtz, Donna E. Levin, Robert E. Ragland, Joseph M. Henderson & Frederic E. Shaw - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):77-78.
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    Pandemic Influenza: The Threat, Health System Implications, and Legal Preparedness.John O. Agwunobi - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S4):23-27.
  45.  16
    Future Energy: The Use of Hydrogen May Be Inevitable.John O'M. Bockris - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (4):303-304.
    The predictions by the Department of Energy indicate the maximum of the rate of supply of oil will be reached around 2021, but this neglects the effect of the rapid growth of China and India. It will be necessary to use coal, natural gas, nuclear power, or renewables to supplement, and, after 2021, to replace oil. If coal is used, it can be reacted with steam to produce H2, the burning of which produces only water. If nuclear power is developed, (...)
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    The Natural Development of Argumentation as a Human Affair: A Fanciful History.John O. Burtis - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (1).
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    Medical ethics committees: a selective bibliography of recent references.John O. Christensen - 1991 - Monticello, Ill., USA: Vance Bibliographies.
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  48. Man: a citizen of the universe.John O'Hara Cosgrave - 1948 - New York,: Farrar, Straus.
  49. The Life of J. H. W. Stuckenberg, Theologian, Philosopher, Sociologist.John O. Evjen - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49:384.
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    Deliberate Introductions of Species: Research Needs.John Ewel, Dennis O'Dowd, Joy Bergelson, Curtis Daehler, Carla D'Antonio, Luis Diego Gómez, Doria Gordon, Richard Hobbs, Alan Holt, Keith Hopper, Colin Hughes, Marcy LaHart, Roger Leakey, William Lee, Lloyd Loope, David Lorence, Svata Louda, Ariel Lugo, Peter McEvoy, David Richardson & Peter Vitousek - 1999 - BioScience 49 (8).
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